Student Solution


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8-1 Discussion Evaluating the Four Lenses

8-1 Discussion Evaluating the Four Lenses

Q In this final discussion, look back on your experiences in the course and provide an overview of what you have learned from the course with regard to health and wellness. You can start by reviewing your presentation and your answers to the Module One discussion on wellness versus health. Make sure you address the following questions: • How have your definitions of wellness changed? • How do the various aspects of wellness influence one another? • How do the four lenses approach the study of wellness with respect to the individual and society? • How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing wellness? • How are you going to implement what you have learned in this course and used in your presentation in your own life? In your response posts, compare your experience to your peers' experiences: • Compare similarities and differences between your plan for implementing what you have learned throughout the course and your peers’ plans. • How could your peers’ insights on how to approach the study of wellness through the four lenses be useful to you? Ensure you support your ideas with information presented in the course material and other scholarly resources.

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I have learned about diversified ways in which the four lenses can be utilized/applied to prioritize/affect health conditions. Emotional peace, sympathy towards other individuals and empathizing can ensure that emotional disturbances/conflicts are minimized (Garcia, 2015). Therefore, wellness is concerned not only by keeping physical health conditions good but also psychological/mental states/conditions good by maintenance of societal/communal peace/harmony. Selflessness is important in case of maintenance of wellness because relationships can become filled with distress in acts of selfishness, jealousy and hatred (Garcia, 2015).